Friday, July 22, 2016


This week hasn't really changed much at Arte Americas. I still continue to wrap art work and work the front desks, and volunteer for the Concerts on Friday nights. One thing that's has been going on a lot during this week at Arte is different meetings. I have been listening in on their meetings and theeeting I was most interested in was their mural meeting. There was about 20 people present and not just people from Fresno but also from our neighboring cities like Selma and Sanger. The theme of the mural is to portray Ap picture that represents the different poets and writers that have come out of Fresno, many who have won high ranking awards and recognitions. Our muralist was also with us so that he can here and understand everyone's thoughts and different perspectives of the rough drafts he provided to us. What I really like about our muralist Francisco Letelier is that he first presented his ideas and the thoughts that were going through his mind while putting these different murals together. Then he sat their patiently to everyone else in their room as they added suggestions to what can make it better.
This to me really demonstrated leadership because one quality that I believe a leader should have is an open-mind, and be able to listen to everyones ideas even if you do not like them over your own. And Francisco did just that. He sat and listened to all these wonderful ideas which he even that were really cool and wondered why he hasn't thought of that. This event also kind of relates back to Washington week because as a group we had to discuss all our different ideas and ways to help market off our idea that would go into the presente exhibit. Especially the programming group they had to be very open minded to what the rest of the groups wanted to pick for our theme of the exhibit.

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