Friday, July 29, 2016

Not a goodbye, just an until the next time

Hi Young Ambassadors,

I know that many of you are wrapping up your internships and will be writing your last blog post for this summer. Not only do we look forward to reading them, but we will also be sharing them to make sure that people know how important, impacting, and empowering each one of your experiences was during this summer.

I also wanted to remind you to do the last Blog assignment which is responding to the Debrief question of 4 words/short phrases that can be found in my last blog post: Hello From the Smithsonian Latino Center. Consider this the final debrief of the 2016 YAP experience. Please would be great to hear from everyone.

We hope that everyone has an incredible fall semester of college. You are starting the next chapter in your journey and know that it will be a wonderful experience. Don't forget to keep us posted about your happenings and if you are in DC stop by and say hello.

We hope to see many of you next summer in DC for Washington Week...we will send out the call for 2017 YAP Program Support Staff in January of next year!  Keep on the lookout for SLC in your hometown...we will be on the road for a bit this fall and would love to reconnect.

Again Saludos from the SLC and Washington D.C.

Thank you for the memories and here is to many more...

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