Friday, July 15, 2016

California ScienCenter – Week 3

So this week I was trained to track guests in our Discovery Rooms, which are rooms are specifically for children 7 and under. After my training, I was able to collect data efficiently that can be used for research later in the year. During my training, I learned how to track people without them noticing me. I learned how to measure their time in the Discovery Room, how to design floor plans, and how to measure the time they spend at each part of the exhibit. I think it’s fun work because I get to see what is most popular among this age group. It can become overwhelming though to follow the first kid who steps into the room when he/she is surrounded by so many other children. I dedicate two hours to this every day and it can become tedious but in the end it is still fun because nobody notices me.

I have also continued my work on the floor and I have been checked off ay many stations as well. This week has been very busy because many camp groups are attending. I have met more people and learned about more about the environment that I work in. Now that I am getting to know the place and the people, I want the internship to last longer because I love being a public servant.

My visitor tracking has taught me all the work that goes into making an exhibit productive. Here our goal is teach children more about aerospace and make it fun at the same time. I know because of my work this can be achieved by studying children’s patterns. I learned that something as simple as following people to something complex like designing an interactive activity all pieces together to form an amazing product. This internship has shown me that the staff really has to know their environment in order to improve it for its guests. Whatever the guests want must be priority. For example, at my many stations I lay out a lot of instruments for the guests to observe and ask questions about. I let them tell me what they want to know instead of me always controlling the conversation. This remind me of Washington week in the way that my work isn’t leadership based instead I am equal to the guests and we have a simple conversation about something new to them. In order words, I work in a team with everyone that I come into contact with.

In all, I think my skills have shown great improvement here. It’s now easier for me to have better conversations with our guests and transition from one topic to another. I also see myself being more open with others and approachable. Also, with all the camp groups here I have learned that patience is a virtue.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you with the patience fam, but aye good for you and learning how to stalk people (Children) I'm not sure you want to let people know that on your first encounter with them. In all seriousness I understand you with wanting the internship being longer because I too am learning a lot and its really exciting.
