Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Tech Museum of Innovation - Week 2

Hello everyone!

          Week two of interning at the Tech Museum has been a blast just like the week before! I feel like there is something new to learn at the museum every day. If it is not from learning how to facilitate new exhibits its from learning how people work with each other. Every staff seems to do things there own way especially when they are talking to guest. On the other hand it was fascinating seeing how guest react to what we tell them and what the museum has to offer them.
         This week was a little similar to last week. I facilitated some of the same exhibits I was trained on with some staff memories and I got way more practice on what I was trying to get across on those exhibits. Also, in all honesty I felt way more comfortable with what I was doing this week because in my first week I was nervous and I was very shy with people especially when I had to interact with them but, now I have gotten comfortable with the routine and with the exhibits I have been participating in.
          Even though I did some of the same exhibits I did last week there was one new exhibit I was trained on and it was called Body Metrics. In this exhibit people are given the opportunity to look at their heart rate while they sit in a chair. The main goal of this part of the exhibit it to get people to relax and get there heart rate in the zen mode. The screen they look at has four main heart rate levels. The first one is chaotic, where everyone's heart rate starts, then focused, relaxed, and lastly zen. I really liked this part of the whole Body Metrics exhibit because it is awesome and surprising watching your own heart rate change with how you are feeling. Body Metrics is also made up of these sensor kits we give to guest. With these sensor kits guest could walk around the whole museums while the kits measure there muscle tension and their brain activity. For instance, people get the opportunity to see what there emotions were when they were in certain parts of the exhibit! I have yet to try the sensor kits but I definitely want to do it. Week 2 over and it was as best at the first. Take that back it was even better. Stay tuned pictures will come soon, sorry.


1 comment:

  1. Hey roomie! I'm so happy to read that you went out of your comfort zone this week and how that has helped you with the exhibits you're currently working with right now. By the way, Body Metrics can measure muscle tension and brain activity..coolest interactive ever. I'm looking forward to your pictures of you doing this for next week.
