Hola amigos!
I started my internship on Wednesday of this week and so far I was introduced to many of the people in the office. For the past two days I have been researching ideas about activities that could be used for an environmental science outreach program in the future. I also assisted with an outreach program for 39 preschool children that dealt with constructing comets using dry ice, sand, corn syrup, and water. The program was a lot of fun and it taught me ways to approach teaching science to younger children so that it is understandable and entertaining. I also attended a retirement party for the president of the museum where I watched a laser show in the planetarium and participated in a conga line. Currently my museum is closed to the public while they rebuild a new museum. Although it is a little disappointing that I can't interact with the exhibits, it was interesting to see the amount of planning that goes on behind the scenes of museums that the public does not know about. This week, I learned about how much teamwork is involved in creating new exhibits and developing outreach programs. I also learned from my coworkers that oftentimes attending meetings and creating new things can be frustrating, but it is important to always put your best foot forward.
Thus far, my internship experience has increased my knowledge of various disciplines because I was introduced to the amount of time, effort, research, and money that goes into making various educational programs and community engagement activities. Interning at the Frost Museum of Science has helped me increase others access to knowledge by helping to develop programs that would not only be educational, but fun as well.
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