Friday, July 22, 2016

National Museum of Mexican Art - Week Three

Hello everyone!

Our internships have been going by so quickly, and I hope you've all been enjoying every single minute of them.

The beginning of the week was highly focused on completing my research on several art pieces around the museum for teachers curriculum this fall. I have slowly fallen in love with art and museums. The four pieces of art in which I had to research about all had such interesting stories, and left me with tremendous amount of knowledge. It's been wonderful to learn about things outside of school, especially Mexican history.

One of the activities the children participated in this week was Yoga! The teacher, Carina, is part of our education department and yoga is something she does in her free time. She gave me good insight on life when I spoke to her, and told me to always do things that make me happy and not be afraid of trying new things. Which has been something I've added into my lifestyle, especially after doing such a broad amount of activities during YAP week.

Twenty children attend the Bilingual Youth Camp at the museum, and everyday they remind me more of the nineteen of us from YAP. They all have such unique personalities that somehow make the group complete. With such intelligence and aspirations of reaching their goals, they definitely will be a group of children to make a difference in the future. This was the last week of the camp, and it has been sad saying goodbye to them. All feels like Washington Week all over again!

When I first began my internship, I had mentioned to the director of the Education Department my interest in persuing Immigration Law as my career. This week I received an invite for lunch next Friday with him and two of his friends that work in this field. The Young Ambassador Program during Washington Week truly prepares you for important things in the future, such as networking. I will be sure to let you all know how it goes, can't wait!

I was interviewed this week for the museums Facebook page by another intern, Kaelyn. It made me realize how fun it is to meet new people! There truly are great people and I hope she accomplishes all that she has her mind set on. I will try to link the interview when it's posted!

The big day finally arrived on Thursday! The children finally dressed up and performed their bailes in front of their families. They have been working incredibly hard throughout the camp to create this dance. My absolute favorite part was seeing how proud their families were. This was also the night in which they had the chance to share all the art they've been creating! I was in charge of doing their makeup for the performance.

Who would of ever thought I'd be working at the National Museum of Mexican Art?

I also wanted to show everyone my first painting! Painting was very peaceful and is something I plan on doing more of in the future. I advise everyone to TRY SOMETHING NEW. You never know what you might discover!

Have a fantastic week!

Andrea Vallejo
SLC Young Ambassador Program 2016


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. muchisimas felicidades por todo lo que has logrado, continua así y llegaras muy lejos y si hay que hacer solo las cosas que nos hagan feliz =) ¡¡¡¡

  3. muchisimas felicidades por todo lo que has logrado, continua así y llegaras muy lejos y si hay que hacer solo las cosas que nos hagan feliz =) ¡¡¡¡

    1. Mil gracias Elesandra!! Tambien te recomiendo la misma cosa :)
