Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bienvenidos to the blog!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Young Ambassadors 2016 Internship Blog! I know some of you have hit the ground running with your internships and already have wonderful experiences to share. The blog instructions can be found in your binders you received during Washington Week, but just in case, I have reiterated the instructions below. For those of you that have begun your internships, I cannot wait to read what you have done thus far. For those of you starting next week, I wish you the best of luck! If you have any questions about the blog, feel free to email me at jessicavaldesgarcia@gmail.com. 

Journal Blog:

Your internship will be a 4-week experience with your assigned institution or cultural organization.

As part of your 4-week internship, you will be responsible for sending the Smithsonian Latino Center weekly updates of your internship experience. These updates should address the following questions:
  • What have your assignments been this week? 
  • How have these experiences increased your knowledge on the inner-workings of museums and/or cultural organizations? 
  • How does your internship experience increase your knowledge of various disciplines, programming and/or education? 
  • How do your internship experiences connect with the mission of the Young Ambassadors Program and the Washington Week experience? 
  • Any other observations you may want to include
In your blog post, please be sure to include a personal reflection of your community outreach activity that addresses your experience in facilitating this enrichment program.

Photo Assignment:

As part of documenting your experience, we would like you to submit photographs of your internship assignment and community outreach activity throughout the 4-weeks. These photographs may be compiled and used to create an informational video on the Young Ambassadors Program. Please make sure you do not photograph children or specific individuals without their permission and signature of the enclosed photography release form. Please also make sure you make your internship supervisors aware of this assignment in case of any conflicts.

Acceptable pictures include: pictures of you performing your weekly assignments, pictures of community outreach, pictures of you in your daily setting and/or routine.

Please email these pictures by August 1, 2016 to jessicavaldesgarcia@gmail.com and ZamoraA@si.edu. 

Due Date and Process:

Weekly updates should be posted via the Google blog spot every Friday by 5 p.m. ET. We want to use the blog spot as a way to spark conversation and dialogue regarding the various internship experiences. Each Young Ambassador is responsible for posting their blog to the blog spot at the end of each week. The Young Ambassadors Program staff will moderate the blog spot. The SLC will host discussions each week based on participant comments. We encourage you to use the blog spot to post pictures and other appropriate communications related to your internship or community outreach experience. The blog spot is a tool that you can use to communicate and share your experiences with your fellow Young Ambassadors. We hope that this provides an avenue for Young Ambassadors on-going conversation or charla.

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