Tuesday, August 16, 2016

MOLAA- Museum of Latin American Art Final Week

Hola todos. I can't believe I have concluded my internship at MOLAA already. The best is yet to come!
"Experience is the teacher of all things."

Today concluded the final week of the Summer Art and Culture Camp here in Long Beach at MOLAA: Museum of Latin American Art. Working with children of all age groups, characters, and interests has been a wonderful experience because of the many skills I have learned in all kinds of situations. By now, the routine has become second nature to me after the first two weeks of hustling, improving, modifying, and ultimately solidifying what has worked best for all those involved.

The whole internship experience has been heavily loaded with networking opportunities that have taught me valuable lessons. Furthermore, through the physical journey from the valley to the beach, I have met many talented and insightful individuals, each with their own stories. I will never forget my time dedicated to this internship and how gradually everyday, I have grown as a strong young woman living in the 21st century.

As my YAP internship comes to an end, I have taken the time to debrief on my experience. Probably the most important lesson I have learned has been to always be open for learning in the smallest of opportunities. I really had not had the time to truly take in my surroundings, but this week, realizing that it would soon be time to leave, I did. I went downstairs from my cubicle, and besides the occasional kids' gallery tour, I decided to admire and analyze all the beautiful artwork within the confines of the museum. I got back into an inquisitive mindset that I had not exactly put into practice since school ended. I had a wonderful time. The artwork based on political, social, and religious topics truly opened my eyes. I spoke to the security guard in the gallery, and he said that even after so many years working at the museum, there was something new he always saw in the artwork displayed. I thought this was beautiful. It's this openness for new ideas and perspectives that really allows progress in life and all its varying aspects.

My last few days involved cleaning up after the summer camp ended. In addition, I created surveys for parents, teachers, volunteers, and campers to analyze their experience and how it could be improved. I also helped create a second backdrop for the Latino Comics Expo similar to the one I had done before but on a grander scale.

The four weeks working completely flew by, probably because they did not really feel like work. It was so much more than that. On my last day, I entered the Curator of Education's office, we talked, and she gave me a general assessment of how I did. She told me that because of the rapport I helped create in the workplace, my dedication, and willingness to serve, I had been one of the best interns they've had in years. I naturally did what I did because of the need I felt to contribute and give my all, but it was refreshing to hear that even my most subtle efforts had not gone unnoticed. The discussion we had on the last day was very interesting because she ended up teaching me about art history, the major contributions, messages, and implications in all works as those hung up in our offices. I felt blessed in this reaffirmation of the knowing I had been surrounded by such intelligent people that I will remain in touch with. I gave her my thank you note, one last hug, and walk out.

That same week I also partook in my community outreach event with fellow 2016 Young Ambassador, Dayanna and alumni: Diana and Adan. It went well because we both had experience working with kids and had learned way to captivate target audiences. We set up our table, read without a disturbance, and concluded with the activities. There were kids from around 5 to 13 years old. In true YAP fashion, we all gathered at a local paleteria and spend a lovely evening together, sharing stories.

I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to the Smithsonian Latino Center for this wonderful opportunity. Washington Week truly was only an incredible beginning for all the learning opportunities that would follow. Thank you to all the amazing YAP alumni, mentors, leaders, and my fellow 2016 ambassadors. I have enjoyed reading about your own internships and have been continually inspired by your hard work and dedication! I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

Much love,
Dania Torres
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